Issues adding games to X-ROM 512Megabit GameBoy Advance flash cartridge

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Ace_2, Mar 6, 2009.

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  1. Ace_2

    Ace_2 Regular member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    I don't have a clue where to place this question, so my apologies if it's in the wrong place(can't find any thread corresponding to the GameBoy Advance, so could someone tell me what's the right place to post this in if the thread is in the wrong place?). So here's my problem: I purchased an X-ROM 512Megabit GameBoy Advance flash cartridge, but it didn't come with a programmer. I built an Xboo cable using a GameBoy Advance link cable and a DB25 parallel port, but I'm having a hell of a hard time putting games on the thing. I'm trying to use SPLINK(a version fixed up for use with 512Megabit cartridges), but I can't put a single game on it! Once I get the GameBoy Advance... err... GameBoy Player(I have a GameBoy Player for my GameCube) into Multi-boot state, SPLINK can communicate with the GameBoy Player, but no matter what I do, once the program loads, SPLINK crashes and I get this weird code(don't remember what it is) on the top left corner of my TV screen. Not a single program I've tried works(Xboo, LittleWriter, SPLINK), and I'm really starting to get pissed off. Could anyone tell me what program would work to add games to the cartridge?
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