Long story short, I've created a custom Guitar Hero 2 game and am having problems burning the ISO. I've tried Imgburn, Nero 9 trial, DVDDecrypter, CloneDVD2, UltraISO and a couple more that I've forgotten the names to. My drive does not recognize the DVD-R discs (It would be nice to fix that if possible) Here my computer info: Dell Dimension E310 (System properties says DV051) Pentium4 3.20 GHz, 3.19GHz, .99GB RAM. The DVD burner is an HL-DT-ST DVD+RW GSA-H21N. I'm using Sony DVD+R 120min 4.7gb accucore rw. The Sony DVD-r discs don't register. I've gotten a couple of disc to burn correctly, one using nero and one using Clonedvd2. Neither work in my PS2 (using tape and tissue method). I have a disc that failed at 100% with nero (said could not do DAO) and that one does work (although it freezes when loading a song). I've still got nero, dvddecrypter, ingburn, clonedvd2 installed. I also have Some Roxio programs that came with my computer. I've heard that these programs don't work together. I make sure that there are now spyware or virus detection programs running in the background and maxed out my virtual memory to 3048. Also, I have been getting alot of "windows needs to close" and DR.Watson Debugger errors lately. I use Spybot, adaware and advanced system care 3. Hope that's enough info, can anyone help me solve this?
Well, I bought a new Pioneer burner (which came with Nero 8) and I removed all of my other burning programs that I did not use and not only does it work now, but I can use those DVD-Rs now. Thanks for the help but I'm all set for now.