Looking for some help in relation to backing up dvds. I am using CloneDVD2 and it has been working perfectly with no problem at all, but over the last few days when I try to burn a dvd, the cloneDVD program is running very slow and then ends up not responding. I am a new beginner at using the pc, and my knowledge is very little. I am not sure as to what info I should give in order to receive some help, but here is some. I am using windows XP, DVD drive is LITEON DVD-ROM LTD 163 GH4w and DVDRW IDE 16X A076, using Verbatim DVD-R media. Thanks in advance
http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_result.php?kaj=1&isces you might need a firmware update......your GH4W seems old... but I don't know what computer you have. there are many reasons why a computer will work fine and then, all of a sudden, work slowly. 1. make sure your computer didn't slip into PIO mode make sure DMA is on: http://my.afterdawn.com/alkohol/blog_entry.cfm/231/dmaissues 2. make sure you have enough RAM and drive space.... what do you have with your computer? 3. make sure you keep your computer clean.... do a defrag, don't run anti spyware and anit virus software while burning, clean your registry out and keep windows clean . 4.do not multi task while burning. and I'm sure there are plenty of other tid bits on why a computer suddenly works slowly that other members will advise you on. But, if you check on these 4 things with your computer maybe it will start working faster again. good luck.
Thanks for taking the time to respond to my query.. I was looking thru some of the other threads and someone advised to remove InCD (NERO) from programs and since then it has been working ok.. You said in your thread that I should clean my registry out and keep windows clean, excuse my lack of knowledge but what would I need to do in order to do this. Also in regards to firmware, what does this do?? and how would I update this. Im sorry if I sound really dum!!
Use a regcleaner, CCleaner is free and you can get it here, it is pretty user friendly. http://www.filehippo.com/download_ccleaner/ Also, go to your Accessories folder in your Start Menu and the System Tools and do a defrag of your HDD, do a virus scan and sypware sweep. Do these regularly it will keep your computer clean.
Thank you Arniebear...... now please explain why Firmware should be kept up-to-date....... thank you!
Firmware for your burner as that sets new write strategies for new media thats out.. Firmware is programming that is inserted into a programmable memory area of your drive, thus becoming a permanent part of a drive. This 'software' is called firmware and can be updated with a firmware flasher. Every company has its own methods to allow you to do a firmware upgrade. A firmware upgrade can add new functionality to your drive. Also bug fixes and improvements are done by firmware upgrades. To find you firmware go to your burner homepage and find the firmware for you make and model.