I am using my friends chipped XBOX to FTP files to my memory card on his controller. I have downloaded SID and I am FTPed correctly but I cant figgure out exactly what files I transfer as far as the Splinter Cell file and Installer file goes. Any one think they can explain to me what I need to do to FTP to the memory card. I found that the memory card is H on the XBOX side of Flashfxp. The instructions tell me to drag and drop the .zip or .gsx file to the memory card. In a bout a half a minute it should be done. Well it took forever and had failed some files. I doubt I was doing it right, what do I need to do with the files? What files do I use? I am using a memory card so do I leave them ziped or do I unzip them? I know I need SID.% Installer file and a loader file for the game I decide to use but I cant get the files to transfer the right way!
vant files to transfer go here: http://www.xbox-hq.com/html/xbox-tutorials-171.html but I guess as this thread is quite old you have already figured it out.lol.