iTunes 4.5

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by st_pat, Jun 3, 2004.

  1. st_pat

    st_pat Guest

    Hey, Im a long-time user of iTunes for its spimplicity and freeness...and i found that theres now and update to 4.5, well i dl it and start the install and this error message comes up from InstallShield:

    1608: Unable to create InstallDriver Instance,
    Return Code: -2147024894

    Ive looked on both the Apple and InstallShield website and could find nothing. can anyone help?
  2. Toiletman

    Toiletman Active member

    Jul 8, 2003
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    First off, you should know that not a lot of people on this forum uses iTunes.

    Anyway, it might be because the file that you downloaded has errors or is corrupted.

    Try downloading it again, and if you still encounter the same problem, why don't you post in the iTunes techinal problems forums? I'm sure you'll have a much better "audience" there!
  3. st_pat

    st_pat Guest

    good point...thanx

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