ok i have itunes art importer latley when i try to import an album art into one of my songs i get an error it says libary not regieestered its a microsoft framework error what it going on??
I've never heard of iTunes art importer, adding album art is fairly simple for iTunes though. In the top right corner of your library there is the search bar, type in the specifics for whatever you want to add album art too, until only that appears. After that get the album art from somewhere [I'd suggest google image search or amazon], click a song that you want to convert once, hit ctrl a so all the songs that you want to have this album art are blue. Right click on the songs [they should still all be blue or grey] click Get Info, and paste the album art into the appropriate box.
Alternatively, double-click on the song you wish to apply album art to, and then drag the desired image into the artwork box.