Is there anyway to get the crossfade feature on itunes to work on my Ipod 5g? Music plays smoothly on Itunes but there sare gaps when I use my Ipod. Thank you for any advice you can give me.
In that case, do you think if I recorded my playlist to CD, I would be able to utilize the crossfading feature? If so, does it matter in what format I record the songs? I have them on my Itunes as AAC files. Would they convert to MP3 when I burn them to CD. I am trying to creatless some smooth transitions for a party. Thank you for your help.
The iPod's slight pause is between every song, pretty much no matter how it's recorded. If you burn to a CD as an audio CD it will go on as standard audio format to play in CD players, I think you can change it to data to burn as AAC or mp3 if you'd like though - don't hold me to that however!
Your only option as far as your iPod is concerned, would be to encode whole cd's into one audio file. That would keep an ongoing flow of music. I am not too sure how to incorporate crossfading, though. You are probably better of asking that type of question in the audio forums ;-)