I just got the 5G ipod Video. Just wondering: I wanted to transfer my iTunes library to a new computer, is this possible? that is without it deleting all the songs currently on my ipod or do i have to burn all my current music on disk then re-transfer the files on my iPod?
You can transfer all the files onto the iPod and use this guide about how to move them from your iPod to your PC: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/250743
isnt it possible to copy the itunes files saved in my docs/itunes onto the new comp instead of doing all that?
No, its not that hard. Follow these steps from Lethals tut. 1. Sharepod -Free software Here's how you get started. Firstly, Download sharepod here ~ http://www.sturm.net.nz/website.php?Section=iPod+Programs&Page=Sh... Then, a) Hook Up your iPod to your pc via usb/firewire b) The iPod drive appears in My Computer when you have the iPod plugged in to your PC. c) Once you see the iPod's drive, copy the SharePod.exe onto it. Open the SharePod.exe and after a few seconds the main window will appear. If a window appears saying you need to download a file for SharePod to run, simply follow the instructions. d) When the main window opens, it displays a list of playlists on your iPods. Double-click on a playlist to view its songs. You can either select songs or playlists to copy to your PC. e) If you want to copy all songs on the iPod to your PC, select the playlist and hit the 'Copy to PC' button at the top of the screen. It will ask you where you want the music to go (eg. c:/music) and how you want the music to be formatted (eg Artist/Album/Song.mp3). Once you have set both of these hit the Transfer button and sharepod transfer your desired music to the location which you have selected. f) From there, simply import your songs into iTunes in the usual manner of File -> Import.
Thankyou for your help Domreis, ill give it a go and ofcourse let you know if i come up with any problems.
Ok good luck! If that dosent work you can also look at Lethal_B's tut for a diffrent method! Sharpod should work smoothly for you. If it dosen't fell free to ask! Here is a link for other methods! http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/250743 ~Domreis