ok i am doing this for my friend, and when she tries to access her library through itunes this pops up. http://putfile.com/pic.php?pic=3/811633199.jpg&s=x10 it is just the liscense agreement. then it disappears in about 3 seconds. she cant update music on her ipod because of this. she has repeatedly reinstalled itunes from the original disc and from apple's webstie. any help would be greatly appreciated.
yes she said that she has tried repeatedly by clicking agree and nothing happens. it just disappears and seems to be uneffective. i havent been over there to see the computer. she just called me and sent me the screen shot.
boobob1 - Has this problem just occured, or has iTunes never workes efficiently? Has she recently upgraded? Has she anything loaded onto her iPod already?
she has had her ipod for sometime now and had no problem out of it. she does have music on it. i dont know if she has recently updated her ipod firmware. she said itunes just started having this problem. she said that when she would reinstall itunes she would update it. edit: she said she had itunes 3 on the disc and then would upgrade to itunes 6 when she was trying to reinstall itunes.
Could you find out if she has done, because that could be a contributor, if not, the cause of this issue. Tell her to delete any traced of iTunes and download the very latest version from the Apple Website, linked to below.. iTunes 6.0.4 - http://www.apple.com/itunes/download/
yeh she said that she got it working by replacing her quicktime with a new one or something like that. i dont really understand what she means but she got it working and thats all i was aiming for. thanks for your help.