I have been recording 100's of old DJ records I have had. I have been using discogs.com to get the album covers and some info to add to the MP3 file info. I know that adding the pictures to the iTunes info and date/track/year etc..info is stored in the Mac's Library files in some weird code folders. What I want to know is will these pictures be carried over to the data of the MP3? Meaning, I back up the data on a DVD-R in MP3 format. Lets say I move the dvd to a friends house and put that backed up dvd in a computer, will my pictures and data be there for him to see on his PC or Mac? If yes, were good. If not, how can I get this to work? I like a clean audio database in my collection.
Usually, the album art is not in the mp3. It is a jpg file. Different systems use different naming conventions. So you will need to include the jpgs on your DVD and you may need to alter the names of import the art into where ever it is going. Any data you put into the itunes database insted of the mp3s will be lost since you are not moving that information. If you really care what you are going to do try the 30 day free trial of DBpowerAmp. That is a professional ripper. That has a tool that will stay useful after the 30 days that will allow you to read the metadata/taginfo of audio files. You can see what is actuall stored in the mp3s. That info will remain with the mp3. Most audio apps will read that info and put in into its database. Tag editors will also allow you to view the tag data but the DBPA tool can read any audio files tag info while tag editors are very specific for what it will read.
Mez, the JPG files are not labeled on iTunes when placed by iTunes in the library folder on a mac. They are coded or something. I have thousands of photos saved to itunes. Is there a way to move them out?
You have to learn where itunes puts the music. It is very secritive about where it stores most goodies. Apple does not want you to move anything or copy anything. They want you to buy it all over again. I would post this query on the ipod forum.
If the Album Art is embedded in the MP3 files then they will carry over, when backing up..If you want to extract just the art from the MP3s, import the files in MP3tag and extract them..