Hey guys. I have my iTunes set up with a regular iTunes music folder, so it copies my music over into this folder automatically, which is good. But, I just found out that it is also doing it with my videos, which is not what I want. Is their a way to designate a different folder for iTunes videos?
I think I figured it out. I just have to uncheck "Copy files to iTunes Music folder when adding to library" every time I add a video.
Oh Boy! I am really happy that you think you have figured it out. I only fear you have no idea of the effects of this action. The ramifications will be grave!!!!! Your penis could fall off. Yes. your PENIS. Say What? you have two penises which would leave you one to spare? well then I ask you is it really worth it to loose the one thing that makes you great. and for what? keeping your itunes videos on the same hard drive? This is ludacris my son. I urge that unless you have either a regenorating penis or a third dwarf penis, you do not "Copy files to iTunes Music folder when adding to library" With the most due respect, OhBoy1001
If my penis were to fall of, I would do the same thing any logical person would do, go all the way with it and get a sex change. And how do you know I have a penis in the first place?