iTunes / Vista error

Discussion in 'iPod discussion' started by GiantMike, Aug 24, 2007.

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  1. GiantMike

    GiantMike Regular member

    Mar 12, 2005
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    ive got Vista 32 bit. just tried installing iTunes and it told me it couldnt locate or create the "iTunes" folder which, by default should be in the "my music" folder.

    i messed around with my music folder about a month ago. deleted it actually, all my music is stored on my WD externall hard drive which i renamed to "my music" so i had nothing in the original "my music" folder. i treid to create a new folder in my documents and it wouldnt let me name it "my music"

    anyone know where i can get a driver for my ipod? ive got ipod access for windows and i plan on using that, i only installed itunes because i thought it would solve my driver issue.
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