Hi there. Can someone recommend any spyware-free freeware that will help me copy dvd movies onto a single dvd-r? Currently, I have nothing on my computer that allows me to burn anything but audio files to disc. Suggestions would be very much appreciated! Thanks, Horhay!
Hi, ImHorhay theres a few programs you can use such as ANY DVD from slysoft and clone that has a free 21 day trial Dekrypter Shrink DVD fab express The top of the page has a heading for guides with a lot of programs. Read through this beginners question and answers for the best advice on programs and media and set ups.If you stumble along the way come on back there's some very knowledgeable people here and welcome to AD. Chris
ImHorhay, Welcome to the forum. Below are 2 guides that can assist you This guide uses all freeware http://home.comcast.net/~bbmayo/backup with DVDFABDecrypter,Shrink,&Decrypter.pdf Alkohol's guide_ You can substitute Shrink for Recode. This method is used for the structural problems you might encounter on some DVD's http://www.k-probe.com/backup-newly-release-DVD-DVDFAB-Decrypter- VobBLanker-Nero-Recode-2.php You can also use AnyDVD along w/ Shrink or Recode or CloneDVD2
Thanks for your input guys! I'll catch up later after trying it all out to let you know how it worked out! Horhay!