JB 3rd Gen - iPod Touch - 3.1

Discussion in 'iPod discussion' started by Pieisgood, Oct 23, 2009.

  1. Pieisgood

    Pieisgood Guest

    When I look up 'About' on my iPod touch 8gb (recently bought today) it says it's firmware (or whatever) is 3.1.

    My question is can I jailbreak this iPod?

    I have read a few different forums with lots of people saying that they were successful using blackrain's jailbreak, however I have also heard a lot of people saying that they weren't.

    Theoretically speaking, should I be able to jailbreak my iPod, using whatever means possible?
  2. geestar20

    geestar20 Active member

    Mar 5, 2004
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    yes you can jailbreak it, try using blackra1n. But from what I understand you will need to update to 3.1.2 My Itouch was on 3.1.1 and I was told to just update and use blackra1n which I did and it worked.

    Try to use blackra1n on the firmware you have now and see if it works, if not then update and try it again.

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