I am attempting to Shrink, rip, & burn my copy of THe Mask. I use DVD Shrink but get this initial message: "DVD Shrink encountered an error & cannot continue. Programming error: Impossible program state occurred reason: Unknown" Any help is most appreciated! Hvsmcom
Try using DVD Decrypter. I have never backed up that DVD, however Decrypter seems to be able to get the ones that shrink can't. It's also free and easy to use. Good Luck!
Decrypter won't work if the files are over 4.3g's, they will have to be re-authored and/or compressed. It can only rip and burn. What are your steps in shrink til you get the message? _X_X_X_X_X_[small] [bold]GO VOLS![/bold]........Dell Media4600, XP home,Pentium 4 @2.80GHz/800Mz, 512MB, 280 HD w/8MB, 17" flat panel, AIO-A920, 8x DVD-ROM, integrated 5.1 audio, HP dc4000, Plextor PX-708UF[/small]
It's not a faulty drive. THis is the only movie I have encountered a problem with DVD shrink. When I open DVD shrink then click on the OPEN DISC button I get the message. I have processed movies before & after with no difficulty.
actech, I'd like to know how you did it. I put in my copy of The Mask and got the following error message from Shrink, "unable to continue, invalid dvd structure". Doc, I am working on it, I will get back to you.
Thanks BigOrange. After I clicked on OPEN DISC button & the box came up showing the drive the DVD was in I clicked ok & got the message.
Is this the flipper disc version of the movie? I have run across this problem before, as have others. Both Shrink and Decrypter having problems opening the disc. I had no solution to the problem other than to note that more than one person has had problems with this particular movie. This flipper disc has a widescreen version on one side and a full screen version on the other. Neither side would load into the programs, The error message was the same as you posted. actech, was your original a DVD-10?
Yes mit has Standard & Widescreen versions. I have ripped other "flipper" versions multiple times. It seem to be the only on to date that has caused a problem.
OK, whew, that took awhile. Frank, yes it is a flipper. However, I was able to rip with decrypter. Doc, Shrink would not accept it, but both IC8 and DVDCopy 2 would and both burned without any problems. Another strange thing was I also ran Anydvd and tried all 3 apps and none would accept it because of encryption problems. Something Anydvd should get around. In it's log file it showed Anydvd doin' it's thang, however it was not the case. The only app I didn't try that I use a lot was Nero's recode. After the 1st and 2nd successful attempts, I saw no reason to continue until I knew what apps you had, Doc. Besides that recode and shrink are extremely close in nature, recode being able to retain a menu while shrink can't. Other than that user interface and quality are very close. I have copied other flippers, but like frank said, I've heard of problems with them. This was my 1st actual experience with one. I have over 300 movies and this happened to be one I haven't got to yet. Wonder how many more I'll come across? So, Doc, you can get around the problem, just not with shrink. On a good note, at least there's nothing wrong with your PC or software......
Thanks Big Orange. I knew it wasn't the system or software for I have processed a few more pieces than yopu noted & as you this one was the only prob! Thanks again, :O)
It was only this particular movie, The Mask, that I had a problem with I've done a few other flippers without problems. I suppose I could try it again. I would sure like to do a good analysis of the file structure and see what the deal is with this movie. I haven't been able to open it with anything I've tried so far. Does not seem to be an encryption issue, rather something in the structure is causing the rip programs to kick it out with an error of some sort relating to the file structure. I figure if I can play it, I can rip it. I did try ripping it with Decrypter with no luck. Bigorange, did you try it in Shrink after you got the thing ripped with Decrypter? I am just curious to know if Shrink can analyse it once it's ripped. If Shrink still can't handle the unencrypted files that must means there is something odd about the structure itself...I think.
hey frank, got the exact same error message in shrink after ripping with decrypter. Funny, I ran Anydvd, and tried on the fly. Every prog I opened said the same thing, this dvd protected with encryption blah blah blah. According to Anydvd's log it showed to have bypassed it as normal with all keys listed. Decrypter did rip it however. When entered in IC 8 and DVDCopy 2 with decrypter's files, they both went off without a hitch. What apps do you have, if I have them I can try to use decrypter's files and see if it runs. One other thought, do you have the latest version of decrypter and if so, when you tried it before was it with the newest version? Let me know and I'll try to assist. (after all, by the time you get done helping me in DVDLab, you'll think I owe ya anyway.(did you see my post in the other thread?)
I think that's the same thing I had happen. If I remember correctly I was able to rip it with Decrypter but couldn't do anything with it after that. I guess my original plan was to try and run it through IfoEdit and see if I could figure out what the deal with this movie is, but I just couldn't get to excited over it. I liked the movie but it isn't on my top ten list, hehe. What programs do I have? I think that is a good question. I reformatted my C drive and reloaded windows so I lost a bunch of 'em. I don't think I had that many rippers anyhow. Let's see, I've got the new Decrypter, Shrink, Smartripper, DVD2one, Ifoedit, Titleset Blanker, MenuEdit, VobEdit, DVD43 free version, Burnatonce, Nero 6 Ultra, Sonic MyDVD, TMPGEnc source creator, TMPGEnc DVD Author, CloneDVD, DVDFab, DVD-to-MPEG Pro, DVD Lab 1.3, DVD Lab 1.4b2, DVD Lab Pro beta, Adobe Premiere Pro Demo, DVD Remake, DVDStripper, DVD Replica Demo, Subtitle workshop, DVD Xcopy Gold, DVD Xcopy express and probably a few more I can't find at the moment. I've also got a bunch of graphics and photo programs. Some of these I don't ever use or have only used once or twice. I like to try everything and if someone has a question, I'll usually DL the program and see if I can figure it out. I am not to creative about making my own back-ups and I usually don't worry too much about getting things perfect. Shrink at 70 to 80% and then burn with Nero is how I do most of my back-ups. I don't mind splitting a big movie. I gotta tell you though I'm impressed by folks like Sopholcles and Verbal, these folks know their S**t! Did you read that guide that Verbal wrote? Wow. These folks bring good things to AfterDawn and raise the bar for all of us. Well, me anyhow. Well I'm rambling and getting off topic so I apologize to all. Cheers, Frank
If you take out a couple off your list, and add a couple from mine(namely Rebuilder/CCE, DVDCopy2 and InstantCopy 8) we could be twins! At last count I think I had 25-30. But, I do enjoy making back ups and quality ones at that. I spend a lot of time on it, just ask my wife! I have spent 2-3 Hours in DVDRemake before ever going in my app to analyze, convert, burn, etc.