I just installed a Qoob Pro in my Rev B. Super easy to install and works GREAT! Just wondering, I didn't seperate the USB portion of the board (I didn't trust that ghetto ribbon), which makes USB access a little tricky. I was thinking about relocating the entire chip to the underside, inside the serial port bay. (By extending the connector wires.) What have other people done in this scenario, or did you all use the ribbon?
I separated mine from the main modchip board and mounted it to the underside. there a small slot you can thread the ribbon cable through so it leads to inside. If you don't want it flapping about you can tape it down. I used hot glue to secure the usb part the the underside. The ribbon cable actually stays pretty secure and its not a critical part for the operation of the modchip.
yeah, its no problem seperate the usb. your idea would maby work fine if just the wires would e a little bit longer.