hi everyone I would really really appreciate some help I want to put stuff onto a dvd disk (mainly mp3s) but when im in Nero 6 i can only ever burn stuff into image form I try later to pull up that image and burn it but even then it only lets me burn into an image! The only recorder available in the menu appears to be image recorder as well. What do i do! any help is muchly appreciated
Hi there, Do you have a recent version of Nero ? v6.6.x.x at least ? Did you just installed a DVD Burner yourself ? Is it properly configured (Master/Slave, or Cable Select ?) Can your OS (Probably Windows XP) see it ? Maybe you need as ASPI Layer installed. Adaptec v4.71.2 is the latest. OR one thing you can try is to install VSO Inspector v1.1 --> http://www.vso-software.fr/ It will install Patin-Coffin v1.28 (Driver). This might help. VSO Inspector will also provide you all the detail on your burner. Model Name, Firmware revision and all the features it supports... Keep us posted !
hi! thanks so much for your reply i have nero 6 and i also have nero express i installed it 100% ok i think and the pc does recognize it and iv burned cds before but not dvds with it when i try to burn with nero 6 it ALWAYS makes an image file and not a burn to dvd?
Hi there, I do not know your level of knowledge, this is why I am asking this: Are you sure it's a DVD Burner, and not just a CD-R burner ? Do you have a DVD-ROM (Read Only) drive and not a burner ? If you want to know what model, firmware revision, as mentionned above, install VSO Inspector and it will provide you all those informations.
hi yep its definitely a dvd burner 101% positive id say im not very good at burning but im average- good at PCs and working stuff out just having bad luck working out how you burn stuff to dvd! thanks again
post LAST section of your Nero log, which is in c:\program files\ahead\nero\nerohistory.log, but DO NOT post your serial number which usually begins with '1A21' or similar i've requested thread be moved to Nero forum..
Before, you go nuts make sure you are choosing the correct destination. Open Nero Burning ROM (Noth Nero Express, I never use this). Make sure you select DVD when the New Compilation window appears. It will be on the upper left corner of the window. Click New. Now press control R (ctrl+R). Make sure your DVD Writer is selected and NOT the Image Recorder. If the DVD RW drive is already selected and still records to an image, then you can continue with the troubleshooting.
This means that Nero is not recognizing your burner. Exactly which Nero do you have. I have Nero, but they are up to Also, I had nero 5.5.??? and that did NOT recognize my burner. When you open Nero, go to Help=>About Nero Burning ROM (or press "Alt" then "H" then "B"). This will give you the version number. Either post this or the log as suggested before.
Hi, i have two neros first one is Nero express bundled and the second is Nero 5.1 (this is the one which keeps doing image recorder)
how about you post the Nero log as i suggested earlier, it should elimate the to-ing and fro-ing of questions and answers...
hey cougar and creaky! i fixed it!!!!!! i think the nero 5 version is messed up because i bought it (for 20 dollars-no) off limewire and its only version 5 and it says demo so its dodgy But the nero 6.3 i burned my first dvd successfully! im so happy! basically, on the first menu, Cd/rw was selected and i thought nothing of it (thinking it all the same drive nero will work it out that iv got a dvd in there) but then i clicked on that menu this time and chose dvd recorder and it worked lol theres only one drive, i thought nero would work it out on its own anyway thanks so much for your patience and help both of you i really appreciate it have a good day