i'm a noobie to this x-box stuff (im more of a ps2 person)...any who i purcased a x-box for $80 and wanted to know if i could just put in any old hard drive and dvd drive or do i need the official stuff?
well dvd drive wise there are only a couple that are compatible with the xbox but why bother first go reasearch softmod and then go search upgrading hdd..
what chip is good for the xbox...i was thinking that spider mod chip, is that chip good? i'm sorry for asking that cliche question, but i'm new to the xbox
no qestion is dumb, DONT GET THE SPIDER CHIPthey suck and are not good for a beginner pll always have probs with them, i have an xecuter3 ce they are around 78 solderless but it is woth it
GO to i'm-foolish.com I SWEAR U WILL FIND WUT UR LOOKING FOR..THATS WER I LEARNED how to be so foolish
yea I would recomend the xecuter3 ce. go to http://www.divineo.com/cgi-bin/div-us/index.html and they can hook you up.