Hey everybody. After following along with many discussions in this forum, I finally have another curious question I would like to know the answer to. Software, such as Antivirus, Windows XP, PC Games, etc. each come with a CD and a serial key (most of the time...). Is each software disc exactly the same, with the only difference being the serial # key used to install it? Because if this is true, then I can just get my friend's play-disc for a game I have, since I lost my own play-disc, but will only work if all discs of the same product are exactly the same. If this is true, then I can also just have one Windows XP disc and that will be all I'd ever need, and just get new serial keys for each installation on a new computer (if that's legally possible). Thanks.
No it does not matter which disk you use. But you must buy legit CD-Keys. And its one key per PC. Aslong as you have A Windows XP disc you can use any key you bought. But why buya key, when you can get a whole disc with akey fro essentially the same price? I'm not even sure if you can buy Standard XP serial keys(legally) The only time I know where you can buy serials is a corperate Serial which will be aloud to use the same key on multiple workstations/servers.
Mostly discs are completely the same and as long as you are using a legit and unique serial key then you should be fine. Some games require a serial to be locked to the disc but not many. As said you can use the Windows XP disc to install it but then you'll have to buy a new key to use it. I've got a mass liscence thing for Windows XP so i can install it as much as i want