is it possable for this sony ericsson k800i, be unlocked to any network i have it on 3network uk, and i want to go with o2 network,thx in advance.
Some shops around my area, say that they will have the capability of unlocking it within 2/3 weeks. If you had SE tool 3 you could unlock it, but the only other way you can currently unlock it is by getting the NCK code from your service provider. My phones on the Orange network, orange will charge me £20 for the unlock code.
The K800 CAN´T be unlocked by SETOOL yet, only flashed and when it will be able to unlock by setool it will prob. be by server... /U
Ok, cool, ive asked orange for the unlock code, they are in the middle of processing the order, they said it will take upto 10 days.