Hey, My Kane and Lynch wont run properly on my PC. My specs are as follows: Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 @ 2.4G Hz Ram: 3070 Mb Graphics: Nvidia Geforce 8600 GS 512 Mb Hard Drive: Duel 350 Gb Drives Thats all you need to know really! When I start the game it stutters every 4 seconds. Pausing for half a secon then continuing, This occurs in the menu and the gameplay, every where. I thought the graphics were set too high, but lower settings dont help, and as fr as I know my system should be able to handle this. Could I have some opinions or ideas please. Cheers.
I can help you mate. It's your USB keyboard. You probably have a Saitek Eclipse II? If not it's still a USB issue. To check this is the case. Unplug your keyboard and run the game. Should be smooth but obviously you can#t move!! So... You need to go in to Device Manager and disable Human Interface Devices. There may be quite a few. Start at the top and work down one at a time. You will probably disable your mouse in the process. Just use the keyboard to re-enable that one. Hope this helps.