Very soon, Karla Homolka (Killer of 2 Ontario School Girls) is going to be roming the streets of Montreal, Quebec... Read This for more details: TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK!!!
If she would have been put 6 feet under, 12 years ago, like she should have been, then no one would be worrying about her where-abouts, now.
I think shes a crazy pcycotic murderer...shes going to be living very close to me shes coming to Montreal..BTW HAppy CANAda Day!!!
You dont live in the country of peace (Canada), do you... Ps: God bless A*Canada, our own sacred land!!!Above the Us...below Greenland (Who ever they are).
Reading the reply "She did her time, leave her be" Pisses me off Did this person ever read the story behind this DEMENTED,TWISTED,SICK Piece of shit? As the dude that states she should be 6 ft under I agree! We can only hope and pray that her life outside the prison is a short one! As was her little sisters, Leslie and Kristen's. Karla deserves NOTHING! No protection from the media. It's a free for all. I hope someone Kicks the shit out of her, beats her to a pulp to the point she is unrecognizable! Then shove down her a sewer with the rats. Thats about all she deserves ... Thats what I think!
diekarla I can understand your anger. She sick swisted person. But in the media as of late they talk about the anger the public has for Homolka. Why just Homolka, what about Bernardo? He's just as guilty as her. The outrage is toward her because she's out in 12 years, unlike Bernardo who got life. Well think for a minute.... who gave her 12 years? Yeah the Crown offered that deal and the judge agreed. Shouldn't some of that anger be placed at the crown for offering such a terrible deal? Or the justice system as a whole? I belive no matter what you do once you have done your time, no matter how rediculous (12 years), you should be able to start again. Would i want her to live beside me, no. Would I have her over for supper, no.
On some level Ppower you are right! The courts made a mess of this one. Paul Bernardo will never step foot out of Kingston Pen the same should have went for Karla. The fact she is concerned for her safety and wants protection makes my blood boil. She should get nothing and if the whole worlds wants to stalk her, so be it! 12 years was not enough time for this Demented Evil Piece of shit! So for you to say someone should be able to live their life after 12 years of punishment after the horrific things she has done makes you ignorant to the crimes she was part of. And even though the courts messed up it doesnt change the facts to what she did! She knows somewhere someone out there has a price tag on her head. I would love to shake the hand of the person brave enough to do it! P.S I am a very loving mother of 2 sons with an education and a great job. I'm usually more the forgiving type but in a case like this ... NO WAY
I'm not ignorant to the crimes, I followed the trial quite qlosely. Absolute horrible things happened because of Homolka and Bernardo saga, but the Crown did the very last horrible act to end the saga, he let Homolka get away with 3 murders. You speak with no anger for Bernardo because he won't ever get out. You spear of hate for Homolka because she's out in 12. But again who let her out? When I say let her be I'm not thinking of the crimes, I'm thinking any criminal after serving their sentence should be able to start over. When your sentence is over you "supposedly" repaid your debt to society. But think, who set this debt so low in the first place.
Shouldn't be out. Thats all there is to it. There is no animal in this world that compares to her. She should get the same treatment as he is getting. Then on the other hand maybe she should suffer just like those poor girls did. I hope she can't have kids. Thats all i gotta say. She will be living scared everyday. Maybe she'll take care of this problem herself and the people in this country won't have to worry about where the hell she is.
Someone will eventually take care of her as Im sure nobody will feel any pitty for her. Her time will be spent in hell.
I feel for your pain there though. We have woman just like her here in Phoenix quit often and thats sad.