keep geting blank CDs when burning cuein files.

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by bigkol, Apr 4, 2004.

  1. bigkol

    bigkol Member

    Apr 4, 2004
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    Hello gurus, I have downloaded a game from supernova 3 pairs of BIN\\CUE files.
    No mater what software I use (eg. nero 5.x nero 6.x or CDRwin) the CDR opertion terminates successfully but when looking at the disk in explorer it doesn't show any files (0 media size 0 free space size) like there is no disk in the drive. examining the tracks on the CD (using nero media info) I can see that a lot of data has been written on them. when opening the BINs using ISObuster I can see the directories+files in them.
    I have checked the resulting CD in several systems all runing WINXP home. CUE files look OK (1 track MODE 1 starting at 0).
    Burning procces is fine I can create a data CD by manually adding files.

    I have scanned the WEB for a day now (including posted messages) and have absolutely no lead.

    My best guess so far is that uninstallation of one of the CDR software deleted\\corrupted some of the essential driver files.

    does it sound possible?
    any direction\\information\\remark will be great.

    Last edited: Apr 4, 2004
  2. martin16v

    martin16v Member

    Sep 11, 2003
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    i had a simular problem, couldn't find out what the problem was so to save my self anymore stress i mounted the bin in cdrw and installed to test, worked perfect. i then fired up nero and did a 1 to 1 to back up.
  3. julio123

    julio123 Guest

    try to use alcohol any version it works better. just make sure that you know where you save both of your files are in the same directory. Listen I had the same problem just follow the guidelines in this website. Remember the cue files is the instructions on how the cd is going to run
  4. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    1. Careful with the discussion (piracy talk isnt allowed heehee and this is fairly borderline) ;-)

    2. Try burning the BIN without using the CUE -- the cue just tells you how to interpret the BIN anyways. Use the Mode1/2352 and RAW(2352) option(s).

    3. Check the BIN for corruption with CDMage ( )

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