hello all, i am having problems with my PS/2 keyboard. i can use a usb keyboard but i cant use my PS/2 keyboard. i have tried other PS/2 keyboards and they havent worked so i think that i have a driver problem. i bought a new keyboard the other day and it happened on the same day that i got it . the keyboard is a flexiglow illiminous keyboard. the keyboard is getting power because i can turn the blue light on and off. i turned my computer on one day and it said "no keyboard detected". do yous have some ideas where i can get some drivers for the keyboard so that i can get it to work or do you think that it may have something to do with the hardwar. do you think that if i reinstall windows it may install the drivers so that it may work again. any answers are appreciated. THANKYOU if you could provide some help
ok thankyou ddp. i unistalled the driver and the keyboard and restarted the my computer and the keyboard worked. THANX alot. but when i plugged the illuminous keyboard which started the problems in the first place it still said "no keyboard detected. i thibnk that it has a problem with the actual Hardware. so i am gonna return it. thanks fo the help though.
lol, I wonder how many of your posts say that. I just read a thread where you said the same thing. Anyway, my friend's keyboard is acting up. For some reason the numbers on the right side don't work. Num Lock is on. Any suggestions?
try the keyboard on another computer to see if still does it tho probably will. could try taking the keyboard apart carefully to clean the mylar sheets that has the circuits printed on them & clean the pads on the sheets that attaches to the circuit board that has the leds & keyboard chip. other option is get a new keyboard as they go for about $9 & up.