kodak pictures to a standalone dvd player

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by prodigy21, Apr 25, 2004.

  1. prodigy21

    prodigy21 Guest

    I have tried making vcd and svcd's of my kodak pictures with ulead picture show 2 trial, and I can't get them to work in my standalone dvd player. I have not tried making a dvd yet, because I didn't want to waste a dvd. My dvd player will play cd's I know that, I don't know if it makes a difference between cd and vcd? Any suggestions?
  2. whassup

    whassup Regular member

    Dec 28, 2003
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    Being able to play a CD is not the same as playing a VCD. It's probably your stand-alone's compatibility with VCD's. (I know it's not the Ulead proggy since I use it all the time.)

    To check the compatibility, go to dvdrhelp.com for a list.
  3. prodigy21

    prodigy21 Guest

    You were right, my dvd player doesn't support vcd. I tried buring a dvd instead and that worked. I just didn't want to use like 650mb on a 4.7 dvd disc if I could help it. But thanks alot, atleast I can play them now.

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