I have 3 Kodak silver + gold left, so I went out to get some more. I went to one store, then another and another and I cant find any! Now that Kodak stopped making CDRs, what do you guys use instead?
I use Taiyo Yuden, Ritek and CMC primarily. All the latest stuff seems to agree with my LiteON burner's. [24x and 52x]. For long term storage, it's TY all the way.
I don't know why people do the things they do. Kodak went to great lengths on their website to promote their discs; to explain their advantages, and had a lot of useful information on cdrs in general. The discs themselves, whether silver or gold, were superb. You could tell they were a quality product, and had above-average buff-top-coat protection. So after all of that, they bail out of the cd game altogether. Makes me wonder why they bothered to get *into* the game at all, y'know? -- Mike --
Yello, I loved the Kodaks coz they where such high quality disks. I used to buy for audio burns and bought cheapies for data purposes. I figure in a market place where people want cheaper and cheaper, it killed there quality advantage. No one was buying. If people knew that there data was most likely going to go bad in 2 or 3 years, maybe they would have paid attention. To bad. I figure there will be a backlash in a few years as people discover the backedup digital vacations pics disappear on bad media. Right now I am buying Verbatim disks. The 16x disc go as high as 32x in Nero CD Speed test, though i burn them at 16x to be save. I also had some HP's made by Taiyo Yuden which tested up to 40x (LG 8400b cdr drive), but its hard to find HP spindles and they might not be TY anymore. Id recommend looking into Made in Japan FUJI's. Supposedly made by TY. TOM...
I now use only the Fujifilm 48X. Fuji has had a good reputation in the past, I have run a CDR Identifier program on their 48x ones and it indicates they are actually manufactured by Taiyo Yuden, who also has a good reputation for dustributing a quality product.
I obtain TY's 16Xer's good to 32X, fifty of 'em for under ten bucks. Can anyone guess whose brand they are and the store I am purchasing them from...
Hmmm, Im gonna guess Wal-Mart brand? Or perhaps if your in Canada, it's Truly Brand from Zellers? TOM...
Kodaks are great. I used a lot of Ricohs after that. I recently bought a Yamaha CRW-F1 writer. Since then I'm using Verbatim Datalife Plus or Mitsubishi CDRs. The SONIC AZO 48x from Mitsubishi are of a high quality. The surface layer is coated with who knows what -- and its durable. I probably will stick with Mitsubishi / Verbatim as the Yamaha seems to work best with it (also the T@2). http://babelfish.altavista.com/babe...w.mcmedia.co.jp/news/0013.htm&lp=ja_en&tt=url
i just bought some new TEAC's (48x) because I thought they would be high class & are cheap, sadly they turned out to be Notorious C.M.C.
I just found some 48x normal TDK silvers; ATIP: 97m 15s 17f Disc Manufacturer: Ritek Co. Reflective layer: Dye (Short strategy; e.g. Phthalocyanine) Media type: CD-Recordable Recording Speeds: min. unknown - max. unknown nominal Capacity: 702.82MB (79m 59s 70f / LBA: 359845) TDK+Ritek, sounds good.