Kreon Ripping problems.

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by Rebel11, Sep 28, 2009.

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  1. Rebel11

    Rebel11 Member

    Dec 13, 2008
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    Ok so I have backed up games before. But it's been awhile since I've done it. (mainly because their weren't alot of games worth the dual layer disc for a couple months)

    So here is my problem. I load up Xbox Backup Creator 2.8 go to the settings tab, switch it to Sh-d163b error mode, and ripping speed to 10x. Then I unlock the drive and start the full rip.

    Here is were the problem is. I get the finished .ISO and put it into dvd mulleter and it says "Video file broken, invalid, or not present. Would you like to fix?" I click yes, and comes up with "no file found :(" "Path cannot be Null. Parameter name: path" Video insertion FAILED! ISO might be broken!"

    So I tried a program I haven't used before. abgx360.
    It says that "DMI in unverified"
    Then when Checking Game CRC comes up (no idea what this is). It says that "verification failed" I set it to level 3 autofix threshold. Says everything is golden. But yet DVD mulleter still says the same things.

    For shits and giggles I tried re-ripping with xbc 2.9 and still same problems. I tried burning it to a disc anyway. Setting the layer break in IMGburn and burning at 2x speed. Pop it in and it says "play dvd" i hit play. Xbox Logo comes up. allll that happens.

    Suggestions? Have I just forgotten some little step?

    Also as a like bit more info. I'm running windows xp. When I've done ripping in the past it was on Vista. I dont think that this should make a difference since the drive is recognized and everything. But still.

    Thanks in advance.
  2. Rebel11

    Rebel11 Member

    Dec 13, 2008
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    Sorry. Posted in wrong forum.

    Please Close.
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