Well i have 2 of them, One was bought a while back and i have no problems what so ever with it, But the one ive bought recently is acting up a bit. It keeps displaying scrambled or bad channell every couple of mins, regardless of what channels its on. It cant be the cable going into the box as my other box works perfectly on it. Ive tried factory reset and rescanned the channels a few times, same problem again?? Any ideas? The remote control is pi**ing me off too. ive seen the thread about a bin file to remedy this problem which is fair enough, but i thought it was a faulty box with the problems im having?
Ive used the one in the bottom of your sig, Now unless you have changed it since you first put? Im using the same firmware in both boxes though? one is fine and one isnt? slightly confused.
There is a spliter in the attic alright, Its one of thoses spliters/boosters. I thought the spliter case was only for when you were scanning in teh channels though?
On the initial scan for channels yes that is the case. But I would check your splitter as one side may be loose/faulty. Also check your RF connections at each end of your coax connections. After you have eliminated the splitter/cabling, then I would look at a factory reset and reflash. But only after checking cabling and splitter.
I would rule out the cables already as one of my kv boxes works perfectly on the same tv/cable. Would a reflash just be a case of uploading the software again? or do i have to clear the old one off it first?
Yes a reflash means a factory reset and flash again followed by a new scan. I wouldnt be too quick to rule out the splitter though as one side may output fine but you may have a Db loss on the other. You are welcome to do it the opposire way, i.e. reflash and see if it rectifies the problem and then chack cabling/splitter
Ill give that a go sure. It wont take that long. But i just cant understand how one kv box works fine and the other one doesnt, Ill let you know how i get on anyway. Thanks again.
A multitude of reasons, some of which we havent even spoken about until after you have checked what we discussed above
Well i did the factory reset, Then i downloaded the bin file that you have up in teh first post on the thread, It was different from the one i had on my desktop, Now the remote controll wont work at all?? So im going to try flash it again, On a brighter note my sv 4 usb is now working with the new firmware.
Good news on the SV4. Not sure which thread you are referring too, but the latest Kryptview firmware is here
I downloaded this one first http://www.4shared.com/account/file/73514010/91038fe4/Kryptview_28112008.html I just re-flashed it with the one you put up and its fine again. Just scanning in the channels, so it will be a few mins untill i know if it made a difference. It wasnt watchable the way it was, the channel was flicking off every minute or so, then you would have to change channel and go back again to get it working.
That is an old firmware name, (although directing me to the latest firmware strange) anyhow the one I have given you is the latest.