Can someone please explain the whole story regarding the ability to apply labels to DVDs? Is it true that a label will prevent a DVD from being read in DVD player? If that is the case, how can commercial DVDs do it? What about dual layer discs? Any issues with applying labels to them? Is it just paper labels that cause a problem? What about lightscribe. Signed: An ignorant man with many questions.
Fellows labels work great!. The key is good quality media that writes well with your burner. If you don't have the proper kit which will help guide the labes to the center of dvd's, this could cause some balance issues in player. Lightscribe seems like it may be the best choice but pricing may be an issue for some. Good Luck Spacedust
I saw a thread the other day about labels. This fellas dvd collection was unreadable, but after he peeled the labels off, they were fine again. I believe that lightscribes quality is unbeatable, but if you can't afford it, the only other way I mark my DVDs is with a felt tip marker.
I use the little address labels or I also have a label maker and just put the names of the movies on my dvds
Best quality is with an ink jet printer that writes directly onto the disks in colour. The epson R200 does a great job
Thanks for all the good information. I thought the issue was that a label would block the laser from reading the disc. I guess this isn't the case? Is it because labels make the disc unbalanced thereby rendering it unreadable?
theirs so many options to lableing your disc but to answer your question.... the reason the comercial dvds play fine is because they user thermal printers aka laser ink toners so it dryes and is hard coated ... as where you can also get ink printable or stickers aka fellowrs sticker lableing system you are right it can damage the dvd and the dvdplayer however thats only if you grab the sticker like lables... i would recoomend only inkjet systems like epson r200 thast what i have ... and if you want best quality then theirs also thermal printers.... but honestly inkjet printers is good enough
Sticker labels in my book are a big no-no. They can built up heat/become unbalanced/peel up on the edges and tear off in your drive. I don't know how many peeps that had playback issues and the culprit was sticker labels.Some peeps have luck with them,others don't. It's all in the process of applicating that label onto your disc. They have to placed perfect on the disc.No bubbles/wrinkles.Use of a special applicator tool helps. They will heat up/cool down each time you play them-which the stand alone players may pick out. I use: Sharpie Shiny inkjet printable White inkjet printable Lightscribe media. This is the most of the options available to label dvds,except the thermal printer. For my quality rating of labeling my backups: 1) Shiny inkjet printable- My favorite by far,just wish I could find some full hubs. 2) White injet printable-full hubs 3) Lightscribe-OK,not that special after using shiny inkjet printable. 4) sharpie-for my avg backup.. I print all my special backups,and the shiny inkjets look phenomenal.Like a 3d picture- silvery with great color. White injet printable look ok,but a dull finish.It would be nice to find semi-gloss or glossy inkjet printable. My lightscribe- Looks ok. Gives a 3D look,but the only colors are of the different shades of brown. Inkjet printable or thermal printable. You can get the epson r- series for $50-$140 bucks. Staple's have the R-320 on clearance. They always have one of those epson models on clearance. Sams club is another place,and my r-200 cost $79 The best thing about these printers: The price I pay for ink. These have 6 individual ink cartridges. Most stores like staples want $55$60 for the set. I go to for my ink. Generic ink,and around $18-$19 a set!I buy 3 sets at a time for a grand total of $55 including shipping. It looks as good as the genuine Epson ink. also has these for around the same price.
i coulnt agree better... stickers suck! you can get inkject printer epson and buy blankdvds FULL print the whole disc and its not expensive
Would printing over a DVD already labeled with a sharpie cause any problems? Reason I ask is im just getting into making backups and will probally be a while before i get one of those printers.
i'v actually have been hearing things from alot of ppls as the days come in more ..... so i DEFITANLY recommend buying the epson r200 or above , the blank disc can cost less then .55cents per disc , of course of a bulk of say 50 100 disc. and thats considering of the " high quality premuim grade A" IMAGE the cheap 3 out of 15 chaces of " coasters" disc ??? less then 33 cents easily. i really recommend it .
some of us actually care . a sharpie lol you know a marker .... stop asing dumb ? s a shiny inkject printer is like you put a special coated dvd to a printer and put your image like your car mom dad friends what ever and it prints that image to that special coated disc. google epson r200 and you read more info about it .
I use all of the following: Full hub white inkjet printables Reg hub shiny inkjet prinatable Sharpies Reg hub, Lightscribe media. By far,the shiny inkjet printable look the best. Lightscribe ok,but just a few shades of brown. Full hub whites look ok on the dark covers,but the lighter ones look tacky. Also have a dull finish to them.
Mate I am New Zealand, a Sharpie down here is someone who dresses smartly I presume you are talking about what we call an Indelible Marker Pen..Sharpie sounds like an American based Company that make s them..and is uses as a Parochialism I use a Canon Pixma 5000 which comes with CD DVD Printing as stock standard down here, you may be referring to Gloss Printable DVDs made by Verbatim and TDK is that right??