Hello, I have recently read some input that talks about a skipping prob. with dvds w/labels. So I'm now taking a few off of some that I've had problems with and see if it fixes the problem. Anyone ever hear of this?
i got memorex's neto labeling system, its a pack of lables that comes with a plastic centering aplicator and software to make lables. Its realy easy to use, and i have never had a problem, but like sly said, if they are not on perfectly they will make the disc spin odly and skip- you should an applicator
Its the general opinion of the forum members that labels WILL cause playback problems. I myself can use them on my Sony stand alone player. My daughters Toshiba can't play copied dvds with labels. So its trial and error. Most players will see skipping and freeze up with labels. All you can do is try. Jerry
i made a dvd for my friends band and printed lables on them- we sold like 60 or so and no one complained about them not working properly- general opinion isnt always right
pcshateme, You sold 60 dvds that worked. If you do a search on this topic, you will find several hundreds of problems that were caused by labels. So I guess you are right and the rest are wrong. I wasn't looking for an argument, just stating facts. Jerry
DVD markers on the disc, with a nice cover in the case and no skipping because of balance. I quit using lables way back when on CD's because of problems with the lables catching and sometimes if they were offf center you could hear them in the drive moving around. I believe that a DVD spins a lot faster then a CD (I might be wrong on this please feel free to flog me if I am) and that wobble scares the crap out of me in a drive spining at up to 52X
I used to have a few problems with labels on dvds but following advice from someone at afterdawn i bought a shiny new Canon printer with cd printing, only use Ritek printable discs looks cool and plays in every dvd player i have tried
i started using labels for my DVDz but too many errors. 2 Options either have a fancy non working properly DVD or a plain old working 1. I would rather the working Regards CoZZa