Labels, Printable DVD's, and errors over time.

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by richmoore, May 19, 2004.

  1. richmoore

    richmoore Guest

    I have a couple of questions. I have some dvd media that is giving me errors, it is occuring over time, I did not have problems before. I know the media is junk (CMC MAG-F01-00), but I was new when I got them. I put Fellowes labels on them, they read fine when I tested them. I now have had several fail with errors, they were fine earlier when first checked.

    I am wondering if it is the media or the printable labels? I am not going to use the lables any more if they are the problem.

    Another question. Can I print on a DVD that is not labeled as printable? I have about 90 ridata g4's I bought because they are good quality, and I am now looking into getting a new printer that will print directly on the DVD, but I would prefer to use up the disks I have before I order the special printable ones. (I could use a marker, but my handwriting sucks.) Has anyone tried it? They are the G4's with the shiny top.

    Thank you for your help!
  2. mark666

    mark666 Guest

    Definitely the labels, if you get some label remover they will play perfect again.It happened to me and just about everyone else who uses sticky labels (over time).
    You can only print direct to disc if they say they are printable.
  3. richmoore

    richmoore Guest

    No dice on removing the label, I tried that and it had the same errors. I suspect it is the media more than the label, but from now on I am not using either. The 3 discs with errors I found have 2 diferent media types, one was a Optidisk (garbage brand), the other two were CMC Magnetics (even worse.)
    I've checked 4 of the others out, no problems (yet?). I figure that I will just wait to see if they mess up also, and then back them up again. It's hard to troubleshoot the media vs the label, it may be a combination. Also, they worked at the begining, but not now, so I am not really sure how to figure it out. Also, I tend to tear up the media when I try to remove the labels.

    Oh, I am looking into getting a new printer and returning the DVD's that I have that I can't print on, I don't know if they will take back the 50 pack that I removed from the packageing.
  4. Jerry746

    Jerry746 Senior member

    Oct 23, 2003
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    You actually have both problems. Poor grade media(CMC MAG) which don't burn well and seem to quit playing after several times. Then the labels compounded the problem. Sometimes removing the labels helps but if you don't soak the label for a while and pull hard on the disc, you are flexing the dye area which could cause more read problems.

    Last edited: May 19, 2004
  5. mark666

    mark666 Guest

    I use an adhesive remover for my labels.Soak them using cotton wool about 4 times and the label comes off easy using your nail,then a quick rinse under the tap and away you go.Ive also read over time the glue from the labels can soak into the DVD and render it useless.
    Also read some good reviews on the Epson R200 for direct to DVD printing.
  6. richmoore

    richmoore Guest

    Just looked at the printer, I was impressed for $100 at both circuit city and best buy. I'm trying that goo gone stuff I found at home depot, seeing if I can remove the label from one of the disks and try to read it again. I suspect the damage is done though.

    I just hope the rest last, I don't want to burn 50 DVD's again....
  7. richmoore

    richmoore Guest

    Nope, removing the label made it slightly worse, it was having more read errors. I think I'll keep the ones I have on already, maybe copy them when I get the chance onto new DVDR (once I get the printer and new DVD with printable lables) so I don't have to worry about any of them in the future.
  8. richmoore

    richmoore Guest

    Still looking for another way to print on these dvd's I guess I am stuck trying to return them if I can...
  9. roberson

    roberson Guest

    I put labels on a set of 35 Pinco blank disks. All were tested OK but after six months each and everyone
    had read errors. Using Ritex G04 I have burned over a 100 DVD and not one with a label installed has any read errors.
    I have read everything I could find on this forum and others about labeing DVD disks. I believe that the cheaper brands will not accept labels. In the case of cheap disk using a core label and it will be OK. One thing I have found that the labels must be water based.
    I use NETO lables because they are all water based lables. Use Ritex and you will have no more read errors. roberson
  10. wardair

    wardair Member

    Oct 24, 2003
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    casio makes a thermal imaging printer for under 200
  11. TerrificF

    TerrificF Member

    Jun 1, 2004
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    Some DVD-/+R media manufactuers use cyanide dye then it could cause "data loss" problem. It is possible to record and play back without any problem at present time. Then you might lose all data or films after couple days, weeks or months. Azo dye is so far the most reliable material to manufacturer DVD-/+R. A quality DVD media has to be compatible and long lasting. Bigger manufactuers normally have better compatibility then smaller manufacturers. Drive manufacturers will install bigger ones MID (manufacturer ID) in their drives.

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