I want to know if there is a better way to cool my laptop. i have an HP dv9000 and it runs hot. I have a cooling pad that helps keep my HDD's and ram from blowing up but my processor (turion 64 x2 2.2 ghz) is running at 60c and 85c during normal use. the heat sink in the back feels really hot to the touch. I have a refurbished system and I think my RAM is bad because I get a lot of random crashes. And the RAM runs extremely hot. Would replacing it with better RAM help or does all RAM run at the same temp on a given system? I have no problem with opening the system and getting my hands dirty. Warranty is not an issue.I also don't mind soldering. Is there a way I can fit a new cooling system for my processor? Also how do I find the recommended operating temp of my processor?
RAM is likely to run at a very similar temperature if you replace it. If the laptop is running very hot, the crashes are more likely to be due to that than faulty memory. Where are you reading this 85C for the CPU? It's high for a core temp, but if it's your CPU die temp it's astronomical.
I downloaded speedfan 4.34 and it reads core:56c then under it core:84C. temp1: is at 45c. whats interesting is that when i turn it off for a while then turn it on the cores are ate 40 and 60c's and temp1: is 32c. When I get home later tonight I'm going to pop it open and go to town with an air spray. I have a cat and I pulled like 50 pounds of cat hair from my desktop when I cleaned it. So you don't think There is like a super duper cooling upgrade for laptops? do you think arctic silver might help? How about these Ram sticks with heat sinks on them they any good?
ok so i take back what I said about getting my hands dirty. I tried to get to the heat sink and failed. you have to take the whole thing apart just to get to it. its ridiculous. I mean if i could find a schematic for this thing I would feel better doing it. But i=only if it needs to be done. anyway I found http://www.xoxide.com/evercool-nmba1-notebook-fan.html anybody use this evercool thing? does it work?
you could try finding a manual for the laptop if you decide the heat sink method. that is the first time i seen that and it looks like it might work but extracting air isn't as good as forcing air into the laptop. i cannot help you there but this link will help you for cooling down your laptop it has various methods of cooling down a laptop: http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=60914