i have a acer laptop and im haviong truoble with the monitor and i discoverd that is the laptop that is faliing casue when i conect it it show like shadows form the botton to the top moving around and when i conaect it to my desktop is ok i have a intel chipset video card in my laptop an im using windows xp the only thing is that i can use multiple monitor i dont know why so im just using the 22" monitor i cheked the driver an the directx and all is ok im just wondering what this may case it
I'm unclear on your what you're trying to accomplish. Try setting the resolution on your laptop to the same as your desktop. You may be sending a video signal to the monitor that is too high for the monitor to handle. You should have 2 resolution settings, 1 for the laptops screen & 1 for the monitor your plugging in.
Gibber, you may be unclear on what is trying to be said for the same reason I'm unclear. All I read was one big sentence and my eyes kinda wrapped around my head! Is this even in the correct area of the forum?