Laptop power adapter/power meter inconsistency

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by sandia, Dec 9, 2006.

  1. sandia

    sandia Member

    Jun 27, 2006
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    Laptop power adapter/power meter inconsistency

    The power meter on the lower right hand taskbar on my laptop shows an inconsistent power charge. Sometimes, the icon appears to be charging the battery, other times it appears to be running on ac power, and also, it appears to be running on the laptop battery.

    The strange thing is, the laptop is plugged in. The power meter should only be showing the computer running on AC power (of at least charging). But, when the laptop is plugged in, the power meter should never show battery life decreasing.

    But it does exactly that. For 10 seconds it appears to be running on battery, and it swaps for another 10 seconds running on ac power, and it repeats. Obviously, this is not normal, and slowly but surely, the computer dies of power, even though it is always plugged in.

    The power adapter is less than a month old.

    What's the problem?
  2. bkf

    bkf Guest

    The battery could be dying, It's easy to do. Except Sony batteries which do it all by themselfs

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