I was playing wow and then all of a sudden a Windows message poped up that said "Display drivers has stopped functioning properly, please reboot the system". It had been happening to me for the last couple of days so I just went ahead and restart the laptop by manually holding down the power button until it shut down. Then the problem started. I can turn the laptop on but thats all i can do. I can tell that it has power but the screen is blankly black. I thought that the lcd screen was broken so I tested the laptop with another monitor. It didnt work either so the problem is not the lcd. I can hear the noises from the fan. Any help is appreciated
Have u thought about putting a recovery disc in or a boot disc. This is kinda wierd how its not showing you anything and is not have any issues with the lcd. Have u tried withe the poer cord in the wall and plugged in and on and see if you get any response there.
it could be your laptop overheating... you might have dust build up in your graphics card fan...this could be casuing the over heating.
Nothing wrong with the power supply i think and i have cleaned up the fan as well but that wouldn't resolve the issue. The problem might come from the cpu and mainboard beung defective but I dont know how to test it. Does anybody know