when my old dsl modem fried our ISP gave us a new modem, those ones with a built in router so it has the 4 ports for multiple PCs, which we needed. after that i kept having terrible problems with online gaming latency but I always blammed it on my old shitty computer but now I don't have an excuse for lag with my newer comp lol. I was doing a bunch of research on modems and i think thats the cause of my online gaming latency since i never had the problem on my old 1 port modem. i was looking around for a new modem and i found this one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16825112005 is this a good modem/router to get? alot of ppl seemed to like it and have internet speeds increased compared to crappy modems that their ISP gave them. ive been on countless forums for fixing certain online games latency but literally NO ONE could EVER come even close to fixing my latency problem with online games. so i just came to the conclusion that the problem is the crappy modem/router that my ISP gave me. so anyways thoughts on the router or even better ones in mind for gaming? i dont really wanna over 100 bucks for one though -_- also i always wondered what exactly do Network Interface Cards do??? Do they really help performance with the internet???
Well, it doesn't look like a bad one.... But I seem to prefere Linksys over D-link. I guess that's just personal preferrence. Tell me if you like it that is if you get it. Hope this helps.