is it 2.5? I think i need to update. It is having problems kicking me out of the game back to the main select screen, causing me to have to reselect "load game from cd-rom" like every 10 or 15 minutes. please advise?
by retail i presume you mean the original and not your backed up copy so first thing first it may sound silly but see if your xbox clock is set to the correct time original games do mess about if you have a modchip installed and the time is incorrect otherwise check that you have no scratches on your disc
Time is correct and game is scratch free. it seems to be running a little better ( i.e. now about 20 minutes between kicks) Also tends to do this on Harry Potter. Maybe it is just Electronic arts games?
yeah EA games have been known to be a pain to be honest my backup of harry potter gives me problems sorry i'm not sure apart from what i said unless your xbox dvdrom drive is starting to wear how old is your xbox?
this xbox is about 9 months old. hmm ill try an EA backup and not retail. I should have said something when i was on EA's payroll damnit! As long as it's not just me with EA titles. i thought i was going insane!