lead-in write problems after changing booktype to DVD-ROM

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by lsargent, Jan 7, 2006.

  1. lsargent

    lsargent Member

    Dec 18, 2005
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    I recently purchased some generic Dynex (Ritek) 16X DVD-Rs. I had success writing 3 discs, then manually changed my booktype settings in Nero for my drive to increase player compatibility. After that, whether I burned directly in Nero or through Shrink w/ Nero, I would acheive about a 2% overall completion, but never finish writing the lead-in where the booktype setting is stored. You could hear my drive working hard to write, but after about 20 seconds of the writing "lead-in" task, the process seemed to be in a neverending pause. The application would NOT freeze, it just kept acting like it was still in the beginning phase. No further progression would occur, and my blinking processor light was inactive. I would have even suspected a "non-responsive" program indication in the Task Manager, but no. Has anyone came across this problem? Could it possibly be the cheap media i was using?
  2. alkohol

    alkohol Regular member

    Apr 6, 2005
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    Yes, it could be other things involved such as firmware updated for "book type" or media compatibility, the media you're using, and speeds. What kind of burner do you have and is the firmware up-to-date?

    Are you using Nero 6 Ultra or Nero 7 Ultra? Let's have the "very last section" from your Nero logs. To get your log go here; C:\Program Files\Ahead\Nero\NeroHistory for Nero 6, or C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Core\NeroHistory for Nero 7. Now remember to "delete" or "edit" your Nero serial before you're going to post back here.

    Below is an example from a successful burned log of mine.
  3. 9mmruger1

    9mmruger1 Regular member

    Sep 30, 2005
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    You can check for firmware updates at this site:


    Just enter your burner model in the search box and click search. If there is one download it to you desktop and double click on it and it should provide instructions or self install.


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