Leaving it on....

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Asscer, Jan 16, 2004.

  1. Asscer

    Asscer Member

    Jun 2, 2003
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    Hey everybody,

    I just want to thank you for helping me out with the music. I have some other question I was wondering is it safe to leaving your computer on all the time? If not how long can you leave your computer on? The other question is almost the same as the first one which is, it's safe to leave your speaker on all the time? If not how long can you leave it on?

    Thank you very much
  2. DaOsT

    DaOsT Regular member

    Nov 6, 2003
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    well I got 3 pc's networked up and 1 has to be left on 24/7 so yes if you want to leave it on its cool. You can start downloading go out I do it quite alot so your not waiting it seems . On the speaker front I put My comp thru an amp so I dont use speakers but My amp is on 24/7 to. My electric company must love Me

  3. cleft

    cleft Member

    Jan 3, 2004
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    Having pretty much the same setup as DaOsT (from his description) I too, leave mine on 24/7.

    You might have to reboot occasionally to clear any programs that were not successfully closed and purged from memory and the like. A lot depends on your amount of ram and configuration of your machine. I increased the ram in one machine and found that it went from needing reboot every day to once a week or so.

    Using energy star compliant equipment will help you cut your electricity bill some.

    As far as what is best, leaving it on or shutting it off, you have hit a question asked millions of times across the nation from John Doe to major businesses. There are those on both sides of the fence on this one. Some say that leaving it on saves equipment wear that is initiated in startup and the power surges that come with startup; others say that if it is on it is wearing out. Take your pick.
  4. Xian

    Xian Regular member

    Jun 27, 2003
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    I leave mine on all the time. 12 years ago the company I worked for kept having hard drive failures. We determined that the Seagate hard drives that were in the PCs were dying when they were initially starting and spinning up to full speed. We started leaving the PCs on all the time and the hard drive failures stopped. Ever since then I have left mine on all the time.
  5. DaOsT

    DaOsT Regular member

    Nov 6, 2003
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    cleft just on a slightly different note did RAM Make your pc quicker also in any ways ??.....I have 256MB RAM at the moment and am seriously considering either getting 256 more or 512 RAM cause My pc seems to struggle a lil especially since peerguardian takes a good 40 meg of RAM


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