led light command ?

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by GiantMike, Jan 25, 2009.

  1. GiantMike

    GiantMike Regular member

    Mar 12, 2005
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    looking to fix a hardware problem on my laptop. only, i need to first determine the problem.

    i was wondering if there is a certian word or phrase for "led light codes" or if this even exists.

    i came up with this idea that the led lights may be trying to give me an error message just as a motherboard beeps when there are errors, which i have found help for by searching "motherboard beep codes".

    i noticed that when my laptop turns on, three green led lights go on. but when my laptop has problems turning on, i get a blue led (from my wireless) and an orange led (from a lightning bolt which is usually green when charging) and the green leds no longer light up.

    i think this should help me determine the problem with my laptop and i can then begin fixing it. any help would be appreciated, as long as sarcasm and unnecessary comments can be set aside.

    any suggestions or similar stories would be very useful to me as well. btw, my laptop is an hp compaq nc6000. and it sometimes turns on fine. it also sometimes turns on but i cannot use the mouse pad. and other times i only get the blue and orange leds.
  2. vballstud

    vballstud Guest

    Smartass comment or not... to me it would make sense to go to the source itself to try to get an answer. If HP can't answer it, then most likely not many others would...


    If I don't find an answer on the site, then I go with Live Chat with a support rep.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2009
  3. GiantMike

    GiantMike Regular member

    Mar 12, 2005
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    hey thanks. good idea. this might help me. ill post back if i make any progress anytime soon.
  4. GiantMike

    GiantMike Regular member

    Mar 12, 2005
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    at some point in one of the articles, it suggested reseating the ram. and after doing so i got my computer up and running again. however, when it turned on, my touchpad froze up and i could no longer control anything with my keyboard. it seemed completely frozen.

    so of course i did a hard reset and am once again having the same power issues.

    any suggestions ? i found nothing on led error mesages and do not know where to turn next.

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