lets design a faraday cage large enough to fit a laptop but small enough to be carried by one man

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by jisenough, Jun 26, 2010.

  1. jisenough

    jisenough Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    i've been searching threw forum after forum site after site to find a design for a faraday cage thats affordable to the average consumer but have yet to find the answer. im sure theres another end-world-freak out there that has one that cost him next to nothing. a microwave may work or a vehicle, but really, i want something thats going to work, not may or should, going to work on saving say my jpod and/or laptop. i know these devices may be useless after that scenario occurs, but if i can listen to death metal for a few hours after all of that (if i survive to begin with) i'll be happy. hell, if my tunes survive the world will be appreciative. there are many materials that i know vaguely of that'll probably be involved, but i can't find any specifics anywhere. i will be greatful in ways that humanity cannot fathom for as much help as possible here.
  2. KillerBug

    KillerBug Active member

    May 21, 2006
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    I assume you are fearing high atmosphere EMP strikes? Rest assured...if someone goes through the trouble to send a hydrogen bomb your way, they will send it at the ground, and it will come in super-sonic; so you will never even hear it coming...you will never even know that you are about to die.

    Modern wars often work to destroy the technology of the enemy...but a real war is against people and guns; not technology...the technology attacks are just to soften them up and cause fear.

    If you are really so concerned about the leaders of the world killing the rest of us, you would be in the hills with a generator, a pile of machine guns, and a stockpile of canned food.
  3. jisenough

    jisenough Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    im totally with you on that, i kind of already am in the hills with a pile of (not guns but) bullets, canned food, and generators from the late sixties, early seventies. i have that scenario down. im worried about being softened up. im worried about that fear this. thats how i would do it if i were a world leader. id dare them them to attack my country with troops by pulseing them first, making them unable get into the air to deliever their troops. im really not worried about the president of china or whatever trying to bomb my[b\] house. they don't want to destroy everything with radiation and super hot clouds-o-doom. if you take over a whole city by murdering the entire population you've done ok, but to take over a whole country by leveling the entire surface is kinda of like the little kid who wants your sand castle but smashes it because he doesn't know what else to do. im more worried the nation as a whole crumbling because our economic infrastructure were crippled by an atmospheric-nuclear explosion. think ahead, not behind.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2010
  4. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    moved to correct forum due to blindness as not a news issue.
  5. KillerBug

    KillerBug Active member

    May 21, 2006
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    If you leave the populations, you end up with an Iraq/Afghanistan situation.

    Here is a basic idea of how to shield your whole survival shack:

    Get aluminum siding...actual aluminum stuff. It should be overlapping, and you should solder wires to the back of it to make all four outer walls one single conductor. You then want to run a bunch of ground wires from various places on the walls (don't forget to install a lightning rod!). Now we put the same siding over the roof; so we are in a big metal box. Last, we get all metal window screens for all the windows...don't forget to ground these to the house cage. If all this aluminum siding is too expensive, you could do it with almost any metal...just make sure to paint anything that is prone to rust...if the attack comes in 20 years, you don't want EMP getting in through the holes rusted in it.
  6. GrandpaBW

    GrandpaBW Active member

    Feb 28, 2004
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    GOOD GRIEF!!!!!
  7. jisenough

    jisenough Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    see, thats what im talkin about. i was thinking on a smaller scale, but building an fc around the whole survival shack is an even better way. now, all i need is to build it, which isn't a problem, and to test it. so, anyone got an emp near the las cruces area? they're probably going to drop this thread as not a news issue, but i'm pretty sure that the last post by killer bug is DEFINATELY news. muchos gracias to you killer bug for solving my problems, when those bombs fall we ought to survive together. thanks again, and as far as im concerned this thread is complete!
  8. KillerBug

    KillerBug Active member

    May 21, 2006
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    LOL...I'm not sure that is news; I essentially just explained how to make a big metal box. Oh, almost forgot...make sure you have a metal door...the whole thing would be ruined by a wooden door. Enjoy your post-apocalyptic music!

    Oh...there are lots of ways to test for emp protection. Have you ever heard a clicking noise on a car radio, but only when the engine was on? Or how about when a TV gets static when a vacuum cleaner is being used nearby. Both of these are symptoms of unwanted EMPs...these are not terribly powerful EMPs, but can be useful for finding weak points in your protection. If you have a portable radio, try using it near your vacuum...if it clicks when the vacuum is on, you have an emp source and a reader.

    [don't worry...the emp from a vacuum cleaner is not enough to hurt anything]
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2010
  9. jisenough

    jisenough Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    werd again!!! thank you killer bug!! and yeah, i've totally run into that, and i do on a daily basis. my telephone (boost mobile) will screw with EVERYTHING around it when im getting a call or text message. i can't be watching movies on my ipod and talking on the phone for the nasty static. but im still thinking on a larger scale, i want a small electro-magnetic pulse bomb to burn out other people stuff anyway. anyone got one of those anywhere? maybe schematics on one? that'd be great! thanks again and again killer bug. sorry for reposting, damn afterdawn singin thing posted it when i pushed enter.
  10. KillerBug

    KillerBug Active member

    May 21, 2006
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    I think you should be quiet about asking for plans for an EMP bomb...that isn't the kind of thing that you are allowed to make (it is a federal crime to own one, build one, or even to attempt to build one). Not sure about the legality of having blueprints, but I wouldn't risk it.

    Oh, and even if you manage to build one without getting caught, I think that the government would pinpoint your location when their eyes in the sky see a bright flash of EMP.

    I do know of a high-output emp device that is not a bomb...but I never tried one to see if it works. The idea is to take a car distributor for a 8-cylinder engine...an older one with points and no chips, and to connect it to a motor that will make it turn at at least a few hundred RPM. Replace all the wires with bare copper 16 gauge wire, and ground them all to the negative terminal of the battery being used to power it all. Supposedly, this will generate a repeating EMP strong enough to cut out most forms of radio communication, and even powerful enough to kill itself if you use a distributor with chips in it. Again, I never tried it...I don't know if it works that well, or even if it works at all.
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2010
  11. jisenough

    jisenough Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    werd! killerbug you are FULL of all sorts of ininformation that isn't available to the public! thanks again, and i had no idea that it would be illegal to build/own and emp bomb, had i known i wouldn't have been asking!!! you are a valuable asset to this planet, although you may not know it yet. you're definately not a little kid. probably mid fourties id say. anyway, thanks for the governmental warning. fuckin fbi ruins all the fun.
  12. KillerBug

    KillerBug Active member

    May 21, 2006
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    All my info is available to the public if you know where to look. The funny thing about (potentially) illegal data is that it is usually composed of various pieces of harmless data that are available to anyone...most of my data comes from things like this. When I was in high school, I was able to piece together blueprints for a H-bomb...mostly from declassified documents that any US citizen can get without even signing for them (don't ask for these blueprints; I destroyed them as a precaution, and I wouldn't give them away even if I still had them). Of course, I have no idea if it worked; we made a mockup, but the C4 was replaced with modeling clay, the plutonium and uranium were made of wood. This was in the days when the internet was still rather new...I bet google would have made things even easier. Heck, google probably could have found real plutonium; if finds everything else. There are a lot of people who are tasked with removing sensitive data from documents before they are released...they don't know what everyone else is clearing, and they make mistakes too.

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