My friend's car broke down, again, so I wanted to make fun of ford.Here we go. "Ford Escort, Built to ................ actually, ......... we dont know why we built it". "Ford Fiesta, Built for a laugh" "Ford AstroVan, Built for child molesters" "Ford Crown Victoria, Built for Cops, also grandparents." I feel better now.
What is the difference between a HEDGEHOG and a FORD??????? The hegdehogs pricks are on the outside! Full Of Rusty Dents
I drive a Ford, so any of you guys want to........... [bold]F[/bold]Fight [bold]O[/bold]Or [bold]R[/bold]Race [bold]D[/bold]Da Sheep
i will put money saying my civic will beat your ford in a race. lol unless you have a GT and I'm not talking about a mustang.
yes I too have had Fords and they have been great cars. My first car was an 89 escort, then a 91 explorer, and now I have a 93 ranger with over 250,000 miles on same engine and tranny. I'd take a ford anyday over a ugly ass dodge or stupid chevy
MOPAR man myself. Daimler-Chrysler have been cranking out some great new models over the last few years - Dodge Viper, Chrysler 300C SRT8, Plymouth Prowler, Dodge Magnum, Dodge Ram SRT10, Chrysler Crossfire and so on. Ford and Chevy haven't hardly been able to make anything noteworthy since the late 60's early 70's. Ford managed to pull off a miracle by doing everything right with the styling on the new Mustang and the new F-150 is incredibly nice when it's fully loaded but that's about it. The GT is amazing but who can afford it. Chevy needs to get rid of whatever team of old women they have designing their vehicles because almost everything they have out now is so uninspired and boring it's sad. The trucks are the epitome of ho-hum and their sedans should all just be called "The Chevy Blah". The only model they have going for them is the C6 which is a world class car. Besides the 'Vettes the last Chevy that was worth a shit was the Caprice SS - you could get a 502 stuffed in that bastard if you wanted.
dont over do grannys engine i hate dodge cause this sluty bitch my older bros gowing out with has a dodge pickup.(she tryed getting with me.
I do like the new ford f150. It's cool lookin, but as for the mustang I don't know what to think about the new body.
fords new truck are pretty good lookinf but they screwed up when they stop making the harley davidson f 150 and ford gas mileage is not as good as chevy. Also the mustang's are a poorly designed car. The 325hp ss camaro or ram air firebird would outrun a stock 325 horsepower cobra before they stopped making them. The mustang had a lighter body and still were slower off the jump.
most beautiful car ever: 1969 dodge charger (midnight black or plum crazy purple). passed on today on the low and wide as it was coming at me, i smiled...then, seeing the cut of the rear end in my mirror...oh, i love those cars!