Hi there i have a problem on a friends lg gsa 4167b he has all of the updates for windows and nero and the latest on daemon with dvd shrink. The problem is it will fully decrypt the movie but it hangs up when its ready to write. I have in the past helped a few people out but this one has me baffled and he is using TDK Disc blanks and he has tried many other old movies and they all do the same thing.Please help with any ideals thanku very much. Scotty
Sounds to me it's failing at the lead-in phase,which no actual burn took place.Firmware issue. You've updated everything but 1 important item. That lg's firmware. Here's where you can download the latest update,and make sure it is for that exact model: http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?download_id=2126 Double check the old version to the new version before updating. You can get the current version through device manager/cd-dvd drive/click on that lg drive/properties/details: The fw version will be all way to the right.