LG GSA-H22NBAL or Sony AW-G170A10 ?

Discussion in 'DVD / Blu-ray drives' started by truckid, Oct 29, 2006.

  1. truckid

    truckid Member

    Apr 15, 2006
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    Does anybody please have any suggestions on which drive I should go for, I have been reading around in the forums, and its bewildering

    My main requirement is a drive that produces highly compatible burns i.e. likely to work in most standalone dvd players and in-car cd systems. Other than that it needs to be available in black. The LG and Sony are on my shortlist from ebuyer, are there any others I should consider ?


    I've read that bittsetting can be used to increase compatibility and some drives(sony ?) don't support it. Does bitsetting really make a signifcant difference or is that more applicable for older drives ?

    On a side note, whats the fastest reliable burn speed when burning movies. In the bad old days it used to be 4x, surely its got better?
    At the moment I use Vertabim and Pansonics TGY03 in my current 8x burner and they seem to be very good media.

    Thanks in advance
  2. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    Me personally, I would go for the LG. I'm one of the only people that backs LG as drives but in my opinion they are very good drives. A far as I am aware the LG supports Booktype.

    For what it is, a very good price...
    Don't get a Sony, the other good ones on that site are the 16x Lite On drives.

    Very good media you have there too.

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