Lightscribe burner, what do you know?

Discussion in 'DVD / Blu-ray drives' started by dan0661, Apr 30, 2006.

  1. dan0661

    dan0661 Member

    Jun 9, 2005
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    My plextor 716A has quit recognizing, playing, recording CD's. It still does everything with DVD's. I was told the CD laser is toast and I should get a new burner. Are there Two lasers? If I need a new burner, I'm thinking about getting one with lightscribe. Could someone share with me the capabilities, ups and down and ins and out of lightscribe. Does it just print a ring aroud the disc? Print on the whole disc like a photo? Text only? Any recomendations as to which burner to purchase.
  2. Dinobot

    Dinobot Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    With Lightscribe you can do text, pictures or a combination of both over almost all the disc's label surface. It only prints in grayscale, though; at least for the moment (the Lightscribe website seems to imply there's a possibility for color down the road). It also current prints rather slowly (like, around 1.5x or 2x I think), but again the website promises higher speed media at some point that should be compatible with existing drives.

    If you want a Lightscribe drive, I'd go with either a BenQ DW1655 or Lite-On SHM-165H6S. I have the latter, and it does a very good job. The BenQ is also highly praised, if you search around on here.
    Last edited: May 1, 2006

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