i know this has been discussed a million times but i really need help cos im getting real frustrated! after downloading music videos from limewire. i have managed to get some of them into itunes so here was me thinking i could drag them onto my ipod the way u do music but nothing happens and they dont appear on my ipod. so then i tried converting them through videora which puts them to mp4 but even then it says it cant play on my ipod because of sum error. sum of the vids dont even appear in itunes and when i convert them they still dont appear. im comin to the end of my tether and any help would be appreciated thanks x
holy crap that is exacly waht i did! and im tring to find some help to! it wont let me put my videos from limewire to my ipod and then i aslo downloded that thing but i dont have a clue what to do with it i also need help with that lol.
This has also happened to me yesterday and I am going to try another type of software. Can someone help us
finally iv got somewhere...well sort of! using videora ipod converter i managed to get an episode of spongebob-lol- to work on my ipod and almost a music vid, well it went onto my ipod but when i go to play it it just plays a black screen. all the other music vids, either just won't go on because of an error even tho they r in mp4 format or they wont appear in itunes. still waiting on help!!!!!!
Hey Guys I've found something. PSP Video 9 convertor. The software only lets you download 5 minute video's which is perfect for me because I can download music video's. It's $30 to buy. Hope this helps!
yea omg this is wut happens to me. except i can get some to play on my ipod. try going to limewire and typing in "ipod video music videos," or at least somthing like that and all of the videos that are able to play on your ipod should pop up. then click and drag to itunes hope this helps, muzikchic
muzikchic-- make sure that the videos that you downloaded are mp4. If they are not, then you will have to convert them. try videora if you need to convert them to mp4. also, go to file-->add folder to library-->then find limewire files. if you can't find them, go to limewire and then go to tools-->options-->then click on saving on the left side of the menu. then chose where you want the limewire files to be saved. hope this helps
ive tried that but it wont let me open it onto itunes. trust me ive tried every way anyone has ever thought of.
1. PSP9 is free, you don't need to pay for it.. http://www.pspvideo9.com/ 2. It is not just the fact that it has to be .mp4, the video has to be 2500kbps or under, the framerate has to be 30fps or under, and the audio has to be 128kbps (mp3) or under. 3. Anyone still stuck with the video situation, have a look at this guide. If anyone gets stuck, PM Me or post back and I'll do my best to assist you
hey i need help puting music videos on my 30gb ipod video i have itunes and etomi pro. i download some music vidoes that are mp4 and i still cant drag them to my ipod list i need help. anyone plz help me
Have you converted them? If yes, which app. did you use? If no, Check the guides @ the top of the forums..
Hey, I have a 30 gig video ipod. If you want to convert things to your ipod, there are two good good ways to do this. 1. If you have Quick TIme Pro, open the video you want to convert, click, file, export and then click the export to ipod setting on the pull down menu. Then just open the folder the vid is in and add it to your itunes library 2. Download Videra iPod Converter (google ipod video converter) Install it. Then run it, once it is up click the settings button in the side menu. Then go down to where it says output folder and change it to your deasktop. Then go back to convert in the side menu. Click one-click trancecode and then select the video you want to convert. Once you select it, it will work for a while depending on the vid size (i converted a 1 gig dvd .vob file in about 20 min) . DO NOT TRY TO USE YOUR COMPUTER DURING THIS TIME AS THIS PROGRAME EATS ALL OFF YOUR AVALABLE PROCCESSOR TIME!. Once it finishes, go to your desktop and drag the file into itunes If you have any questiones, email me at yayforeverything@gmail.com You can also ask me just about anything about ipods and I usually will have an answer for you. If you follow these directions, it will work. oh.. and one more thing. do not mess with the reselutions tab, as the only good one is already selected.
it uses up CPU, yes; but to say people shouldn't use their computers whilst converting is, well, garbage.. Please don't post emails in the forums, as it's against the rules. You should use the PM service is you wish to interact with other users.
Actually, unless you have a high end computer, I wouldn't try to do anything else. As for email, I didn't kn ow about that, I will keep that in mind in the future
I have a very modest computer. And yet I can run Azureus & browse afterdawn (while transcoding) with the fan only spinning moderately.. If you have a really slow computer, then it would be advisable, but most computers can handle the videora transcoding process without going into overdrive..