hi guys, can anyone tell me if the number of flines a dm500 can/will read is limited? i've reached a particular number now and i can't seem to get anymore to work!
would expect that any such limitation would be based on the cam s/w you use rather than h/w or image. try oscam and see if there is such a limitation
i am as yet unable to code oscam, however i'm now using vu+duo as server and i've added another fline with out problems
oscam could not be simpler and is so far more flexible than cccam. so here is a quick guide. in /var/tuxbox/config put files oscam.conf oscam.server and oscam.user as basic files so lets start with oscam conf. this is easy and is displayed below oscam.conf [global] nice = -1 WaitForCards = 1 preferlocalcards = 1 saveinithistory = 1 # logging logfile = /var/log/oscam.log usrfile = /var/log/oscamuser.log cwlogdir = /opt/oscam/cw # monitor [monitor] port = 988 nocrypt = aulow = 120 monlevel = 4 appendchaninfo = 1 [dvbapi] enabled = 1 user = root au = 1 # protocols [cccam] port = this is the port that you allow clients in on your router and should not be 12000 as this port is way too blatant oscam.user [account] user = user1 pwd = pass1 group = 1,2 (remove this comment but group identifies clines that this user is allowed to use) uniq = 1 au = skyuk (remove this comment, this is a client who updates entitlements on card) caid = 0963 ident = 0963:000000 [account] user = user2 pwd = pass2 group = 1,2 uniq = 1 caid = 0963 ident = 0963:000000 etc.etc. on users oscam.server [reader] label = skyuk protocol = internal device = /dev/sci0 caid = 0963 detect = cd mhz = 369 cardmhz = 369 ident = 0963:000000 group = 1 blockemm-unknown = 1 blockemm-g = 1 lb_weight = 150 (this is my sky card) [reader] label = mybuddy protocol = cccam device = mybuddy.dyndns.org,12000 user = myclineusername password = myclinepassword group = 2 (note that group 1 is my card and group 2 is my cline buddy, so when i specify different users in oscam.user i can also specify which cards they are allowed to access) blockemm-unknown = 1 blockemm-g = 1 blocknano = all cccversion = 2.1.3 cccmaxhops = 5 on your vu duo you download the oscam.ipk from the cam files http://www.4shared.com/dir/wnyHV50A/VIX_CAMS.html and install via /tmp folder. now this version of oscam is rubbish so then you download binary 5033 from here http://download.oscam.to/index.php?...4&direction=0&order=mod&directory=mips-tuxbox and you put the file in /usr/softcams/ (ensure you chmod to 755) then you activate using blue button on vu control and selecting softcam manager option. And then you can use vix oscaminfo to monitor
thanks for youre detailed response fint, i did reply to this message last week to thank you but it seems it did not load, anyway i've only now got to have a look at it, ahnd will let you know how i get on in the coming days.