I'm sorry if this is the wrong forum to put this question, so anyway here it goes: Hi, my family has a linksys wireless router and have several wierd problems with it. First, the computer can connect to the internet, but as for things such as my mac laptop and ipod they can't. They pick it up, but cannot connect for some reason. Another problem that has occurred for me is that when I click on an email in yahoo and click back it sends me to the main home page and I have to click mail to get back to check my mail. I tried connecting with my xbox live wireless adapter and believe it said something was wrong with the ip address. Personally we aren't that computer friendly, could someone please help.
Which of the devices are wired and which are wireless. Check the security settings on all of the wireless devices to see if they match the router. Plug your Mac laptop directly into the router and see if you can connect. if you can, it's probably your security settings on the Mac laptop. Get the Linksys quickstart guide and go through it carefully for each device.