Hello Two weeks ago i bought the DVD Burner Sony u18a something.. I then tryied to make a backup of one my discs with DVD X Copy Platinum which i purchased the same day. I had no problem making backups with SONY DVD-RW media.. but: with "ALL" other media like TDK. Maxell. Memorex i had "writing problems". I was so angry that I exchanged the Sony DVD Burner for the LITE-ON DVDRW SOHW-812S .. which is. i know, almost the same. But with that DVD burner the same thing happens: no problems with the SONY DVD-RW media.. but with the DVD-R media i always get "writing errors". So i think that my problem are the medias.. i am right.. if not tell me what you think it is please. Thanks a lot
Your problem is neither the burner or the media. You can successfully burn to a +/-RW but can't burn a +/-R, right? Update your aspi layer: http://forceaspi18.w.interia.pl/ If that site is down use this one: http://wombleintheuk.tripod.com/Final/ForceASPI/ForceASPI.htm [bold]Use force v1.8[/bold]
Phys, I myself just recently purchased the same exact drive, the 812s. Please post some specifics about your pc. Motherboard brand / model. All Harddrives & CD/DVD Drives Have you tried other burning programs, such as nero or decryptor? Do you turn on "Smart Burn" in the program to prevent buffer underruns? Is DMA enabled on your IDE controllers? Which version of windows? How much Ram? **Biggie - Did you update the firmware for the 812s? They have a firmware update here which helps support more media. http://www.liteonit.com/ODD/English...vd rw.asp?Flag=1&Item=DR8US0Q&Model=SHOW-812S Also, explain which type and brand of media you are having issue with. DVD-R/+R DVD-RW/+RW?
Yeah thanks for this fast answer. I really appreciate Exactly, as you say i can burn any RW but i cant burn DVD-R and DVD+R. I'll try the two websites and give more details after. Thanks for your help
Okay Gizmo Here's my PC P4 3GHz 1Go Ram Mother board: ASUS P4C800 Deluxe Nvidia 5700 FX I'll try few things with the burner and i'll post again soon. Thanks
Gizmo I have no problem burning the SONY DVD±RW. The DVD-R i have tryied are TDK, Maxell and Memorex but i got errors with all of them. I use Window XP Home edition.. You are asking me about DMA and buffer thing, but with DVD X Copy, i have no control over this. I just click Start twice, wait like 1h30 and my DVD-RW is ready and works without problems in my DVD Player. Though.. i cant read it with the DVD from my PC, ask me why, i dont know. I tryed Nero but it didnt let me backup my movies so i am using DVD X Copy which is not complicated at all. One button hehe =)
Flip. I tryed to install ASPI Force1.8 (see your first post) but it doesn't work. Though, when i try to install the 1.7 i get no problems and it says everything is fine .. You already tried to install the 1.8 ?
Ok, I suspect a few things. #1, DVD X Copy is not the recommended program for backing up movies since it is currently been pulled from the shelves (banned in federal court) Use DVD Shrink and Decryptor. Decryptor to rip, DVDShrink to compress (if needed) and Decryptor to burn. I myself use DVD Shrink and Nero, and basically DVD Shrink rips, compresses, and burns all in one program (if you have nero installed) Anyways, since it seems that you haven't had too much pc tech background, let me walk you thru some steps. Right-click My Computer, click Properties, click the Hardware tab, and then click Device Manager. Check your IDE ATA Controllers. The primary and secondary controllers, in the properties should have an option to set to DMA if Available. If that is not enabled, it may cause issues. Also, since you're using DVD X Copy, unless you use the advance features, smartburn is generally not enabled (in other words underbuffer may happen) Also, when burning (since smart burn cannot be enabled.) do not try to do anything else, like chatting on AIM or surfing the web, this too can cause errors. Have you updated the firmware yet for the burner?
phys, I have the LiteOn SOHW 812s DL burner and it works perfect with shrink only, enabling nero to burn out of shrink. Rip with shrink, under edit>preferences>target dvd size>custom-type in 4300. Then under file I/O, check enable burn with nero. Then do any re-authoring and/or compessing in shrink and burn as normal. Should work perfectly. You don't even have to open nero. _X_X_X_X_X_[small] [bold]GO VOLS![/bold]..Dell Media4600, XP,Pentium 4 @2.80GHz/800Mz,512MB,280HDw/8MB,17" flat panel,AIO-A920,8xDVD-ROM,integrated 5.1 audio, HPdc4000,PlextorPX-708UF,LiteOn SOHW 832S dual layer[/small]
Yes I do have v1.8 installed. The difference is v1.7 will install all drivers to version 4.60 and v1.8 will install the newest ones 4.71. Both will work. What didn't work? That would be primary and secondary controllers Whether or not your using smart burn, you should always leave your pc alone while backing up dvds. What's happening BigO!! 8120 ... kind of big don't ya think?
LOL LOL LOL LOL, sorry flip, I thought we were talking about the LiteOn dual layer burner, I will edit my post. lol What a f--k-up!
Hey flip, does that sound a little more reasonable? I think I need a drink after that one! whew! (take a look at my writers, easy enuff mistake don't ya think?)
Hi heres my 2 cents with the 812s... been burning with it for a while and no problems here...err better rephrase that to occasional problem with bad discs but that was because of bad ram installed. Winxp 1 gig 400mhz ram 80 gig drive liteon 812s asus 878x-x board 128 ddr 5200fx video everything else built into board
Okay thanks a lot to you guys. I'll try everything you have said then confirm to you. Don't stop posting here.. so if other problems are encountered by other people with the same burner, they'll be okay.
Flip. the thing that doesnt work when installing the 1.8 Force is .. well you know that we can run an Aspi check after the installation to check if everything is okay. Well the screen is always red. Even when i reset and etc.. i did exactly the same as when i was installing the 1.7, though the 1.7 worked perfectly and i had a green screen in Aspi check application.
How much time it usually takes to backup a dvd with Dvd shrink?. It takes me something like 45 minutes, it is normal? How much time usually takes a complete copy.. ? backup + writing
That's really good. Same time for me from start to finish doing a long movie and burning at 2.4x Also with the aspi layer, if your using 1.7 all the dll's will say 4.60 in aspi check. What's your system specs?