I just updated my firmware on my lite on DVDRW SOHW-1653S CS0T 2005/11/25 11:47. From the older version CSOR, for some reason ,I can't read any dvd's in my drive, no disc present, is there a way to go back to the CSOR?
Where did you get the update? http://codeguys.rpc1.org/firmwares.html#SOHW-1653S Was the flash successful, did you follow all the instructions in the readme.txt?
Yes, It said it was sucessful but all I have is a flickering green light on my drive.You can see it in my computer. The drive should actually use sohw 1633s, not 1653s, but i can't go back, won't let me.
How did you crossflash the drive to begin with? Follow the instructions on this page to undo the crossflash: http://codeguys.rpc1.org/oc.html ...and then try reflashing using instructions from the same page.
Thanks, a million, got everything back and running, ran omni patcher with the exe. Very Greatful for your help.May you get many birdies and pars. Pieface97